Bet On Democratic Nominee


Betting on the Democratic Nominee is a very common practice among sports bettors. Every four years around election time sports bettors take into account the polls as well as voting results and social issues to affirm which candidate they believe will win. The current democratic election has been an interesting one for sports bettors as early on.

Bernie Sanders was running away with the best odds to win. Then, Joe Biden took huge strides with Super Tuesday wins giving him the shortest odds and then finally Governor Andrew Cuomo - who is not even in the race - has seen his odds increase because of how diligently he has been working during the COVID-19 outbreak. With Sanders out of the race, Biden seems like the runaway favorite.

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Joe Biden was officially nominated as the Democratic Presidential candidate at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) on August 21st, 2020. A few days earlier, he announced Kamala Harris as his pick. So far in the primary season, Sanders looks like the favorite to win the nomination, with about a 50% chance of becoming the Democratic nominee, according to aggregate numbers from Real Clear.

There are plenty of USA election odds available during election time for sports bettors to wager on and potentially win big. The Democratic Nominee won’t be decided until later in the year, and with the coronavirus pushing back voting dates it may even make things more difficult. For now, bettors are still able to wager on who they think will be facing Donald Trump in the general elections.

Where Can I Bet On The Democratic Nomination?

Online sportsbooks host betting lines for the Democratic Nomination allowing sports bettors to wager on the elections. These sites host odds and prop bets the same as if you were betting on a sporting event. Sports bettors looking to wager on the election will find no shortage of political odds available at these online sites. Land-based sportsbooks and state-sanctioned sports betting apps do not host political odds. Therefore, online sites are the only option if you are looking for political. These sites are available in all 50 states as they are not restricted by US regulations being located overseas. There is no barrier of entry for Democratic Nomination betting.

Odds To Win The 2020 Democratic Nomination

The Democratic odds are readily available at online sportsbooks for sports bettors to wager on. The odds currently host Joe Biden as the clear favorite. Biden took the lead over Bernie Sanders after boating big wins on Super Tuesday. Since then, Sanders dropped out of the race, leaving Biden alone at the top spot. Cuomo took charge of the pandemic in NY and has impressed the masses.

Sports bettors can still place their bets on the possible nominee as the betting lines have not closed yet. Every debate, primary, and major social issue tends to affect the betting lines so they are constantly closing. Sports bettors should pay close attention to the political world and news in order to ensure they are up to date with their wagering.

April 21stApril 10thApril 2ndMarch 18thMarch 11thMarch 3rd
Joe Biden-1200-1600-450-1600-4000-115
Andrew Cuomo+1400+2200+1000n/an/an/a
Hillary Clinton+2000+2000+2000+1000+2000+3000
Michelle Obama+4000+4000+5000+5000+5000+10000

Is Andrew Cuomo A Serious Contender For The Democrats?

Because of how well Andrew Cuomo has handled the COVID-19 outbreak in New York, sports bettors have clamored behind him being a possible Democratic Nominee. Cuomo has publically criticized Donald Trump’s slow response to the pandemic and has pleaded with the government to send resources to help NY residents. NY has the largest coronavirus accounts in the nation and has suffered from a lack of supplies to handle the pandemic. Cuomo has shown strong leadership during the crisis and this has sports bettors wagering on his nominee despite the fact that he is not a candidate. Realistically, Cuomo is not a potential nominee. He has not thrown his hat in the ring and has denied interest in becoming President. His odds, however, have managed to surpass Bernie Sanders to become the nominee while Sanders was still running.

How Did Biden Take The Lead Over Sanders?

After hosting big wins during the March 3rd super Tuesday, Joe Biden managed to take the lead over Bernie Sanders. This is when Biden took home delegates from Minnesota and Massachusetts. This propelled Biden’s campaign and knocked Bernie down to second place, and eventually dropping out the race. Things looking grim at the start as Sanders dominated every debate and was viewed as the clear cut favorite to take the lead as the Democratic Nominee. Sanders following online proved to be a force and both the polls and sportsbooks were projecting him as the winner.

After Super Tuesday, everything shifted in Biden’s favor. Other nominees began dropping out and endorsing Biden as the best chance to beat Donald Trump. As time went on, the gap between Biden and Sanders became too wide and Sanders decided to fully withdraw from the race entirely. Bernie Sanders bowed out on April 8 and Joe Biden is now the definitive challenger to face Trump in the primary elections. Other potentials like Andrew Cuomo have a lot of sports bettors wagering on them, with the COVID-19 outbreak stalling votes, it is not out of the question for Cuomo’s long odds to be a major payout to several sports bettors.


The calendar just flipped to 2019, so you know what that means: We are less than 2 years away from another presidential election. While it may feel as though the build-up to the 2016 election was only yesterday, I regret to inform you that it is about time to ramp things up and start the merry-go-round all over again.

The 2016 election was ugly. Noted television star Donald Trump came out of nowhere to lay waste to the Republican field of candidates on his way to earning the party’s nomination in shocking fashion.

Pundits literally laughed off Trump’s chances of eventually becoming president, but he used his populist message effectively enough to turn a few blue states red on election night. In the end, that was enough for him to dispose of Hillary Clinton and become the 45th President of the United States.

So, here we are. Trump’s first term is about to hit the 2-year mark, and he has already been putting together a campaign with an eye toward reelection in 2020.

There have been murmurs regarding potential presidential opposition from within his own party, but anyone other than Trump becoming the Republican nominee next year would be a pretty massive surprise at this point.

Considering how divisive Trump’s time in office has been, the field of 2020 presidential nominees on the Democratic side was always going to be a large one.

The Democrats successfully flipped the House of Representatives in their favor with a “blue wave” win in the 2018 midterms, and the party is optimistic at their chances of regaining control of the White House next time around.

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren has not officially declared her candidacy, but she has put together a group with plans to “explore” a run. The Senator has already visited the key state of Iowa, and you can bet it won’t be long until she turns up in New Hampshire.

Former Vice President Joe Biden is also reportedly seriously considering a run, as is Vermont Senator and 2016 Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders.

You can bet on anything through these days, and politics are no exception. MyBookie has betting odds posted regarding who will win the Democratic party’s nomination for the ‘20 election.

As you may expect, there are tons of names on the list. Let’s dive into some of the potential favorites and try to identify some profitable betting value, shall we?

Odds to Win Democratic Presidential Nomination

  • Kamala Harris +500
  • Beto O’Rourke +600
  • Elizabeth Warren +800
  • Joe Biden +1000
  • Bernie Sanders +1000
  • Kirsten Gillibrand +1600
  • Cory Booker +1600
  • Michael Bloomberg +1600
  • Tulsi Gabbard +1600
  • Amy Klobuchar +2000
  • Sherrod Brown +2000
  • Oprah Winfrey +2500
  • John Hickenlooper +3300
  • Eric Garcetti +3300
  • Michelle Obama +3300
  • Hillary Clinton +3300
  • Michael Avenatti +3300
  • Howard Schultz +5000
  • Tom Steyer +5000
  • Gavin Newsom +5000
  • Joe Kennedy III +5000
  • John Kerry +5000
  • Julian Castro +5000

There are more names listed, but you get the idea. It’s highly unlikely all of the folks listed above throw their names into the ring, but we have at least heard rumors regarding potential runs from all of them. A couple of names I’m happy to cross off the list immediately are Hillary Clinton and Michael Avenatti.

Clinton would be insane to run again, and the Democratic Party would be committing party suicide by nominating her again. She proved to be an ineffective foil to Trump, and she’s already had her chance. A new candidate is needed if the Democrats are serious about beating Trump. So, pass on Clinton at +3300.


Another name to cross off is Michael Avenatti. Avenatti gained fame as the attorney to adult film star Stormy Daniels, who allegedly had an affair with Trump. Avenatti routinely made the rounds on cable news promoting Daniels’ case, but late last year he was arrested on domestic violence charges.

Avenatti was already a divisive character to begin with, and he often drew comparisons to Trump considering his brash temperament. I think it’s safe to say we won’t be hearing too much about Avenatti once candidates start announcing their runs as the year progresses, so pass on him at +3300, too.

Tulsi Gabbard and Amy Klobuchar are popular names among progressives, but neither has really gone public regarding any desire to make a run for the Oval Office. That could always change over the next few months, but I’m going to go ahead and write off Gabbard and Klobuchar as betting options, too.

Celebrity Row


I didn’t bother to list them all above, but people like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Al Franken, Mark Zuckerberg, Mark Cuban and George Clooney are also listed as potential 2020 candidates.

Trump proved in 2016 that experience in politics isn’t exactly a requirement when it comes to running for the highest office in the land, but there are enough red flags with most of these other celebrities to where I seriously doubt any of them will make a serious bid.

Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Facebook, has been enduring a public relations nightmare since the 2016 election for his company’s participation in “fake news.” Zuckerberg has remained defiant, but his reputation has taken too much of a hit for him to be considered as a realistic candidate.

The same can be said of Cuban, the billionaire owner of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks. Cuban has remained outspoken regarding political matters, but the Mavericks’ organization was just embroiled in a high-profile sexual harassment controversy.

Cuban claims to have known nothing about the rampant abuse that was going on in the team’s workplace, but that’s still something that could easily kill any potential candidacy. Cuban has toyed with a run in the past, but at this point it’s hard to imagine it coming to fruition. At least this time around.

Al Franken was forced to resign from the Senate amid his own sexual harassment allegations. He would have been a popular choice for 2020 among Democrats had that not occurred, but the Democrats would be wise to put forth a nominee without that kind of baggage.

While Franken, who used to work as a writer for Saturday Night Live, would be an entertaining opponent for Trump, it’s not happening.

Pass on betting on Zuckerberg (+6600), Cuban (+6600) or Franken (+10000) here.

Harris the Frontrunner

Interestingly enough, MyBookie has California Senator Kamala Harris as the early betting favorite (+500) to win the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination next year. Harris has not yet officially announced her candidacy, but all indications suggest that she is giving it serious consideration.

Harris is considering “a collection of factors” when pondering a 2020 run. Her status as an African-American woman would obviously immediately set Harris apart from Trump, and those are definitely traits that could help her separate herself from the field of Democrats, too.

A recent poll asked women of color involved in politics to rank their top-3 2020 contenders, and Harris appeared on a whopping 71 percent of the ballots. Harris previously served as California’s attorney general before joining the U.S. Senate, and she has already advocated for Medicare-for-all, free college and criminal justice reform.

Harris sounds like a candidate willing to push for left-leaning policies progressive voters support, so it’s hard not to like her chances here.

Harris makes for an outstanding value bet at +500.

You won’t often get the favorite at such favorable odds, so I’d be all over betting on Harris here.

Establishment Biden

Biden reportedly considered running in 2016, but the death of his son, Beau, complicated matters. Biden took time away to mourn rather than diving into a heated presidential race. The former VP has since said that he regrets not running in ‘16, but he is reportedly leaning toward giving it another go this time around.

Did Biden miss his chance? It’s certainly possible. The 2020 field is going to be far deeper on the Democratic side than the 2016 field was, as most got out of the way for Clinton 2-plus years ago. Biden’s popularity was never going to be higher than it was when he left office, so it’s fair to wonder whether he’ll be able to recapture that kind of enthusiasm now that he’s been out of the spotlight for over 2 years.

If Biden jumps in, he is expected to be the frontrunner. Obviously, that’s a dangerous place to be. Let’s not forget that Jeb Bush was the Republican frontrunner in 2016 before he got absolutely blown out of the water by Trump. If Biden decides to throw his hat into the ring, other candidates will be gunning for him.

With the Democratic party leaning more and more left, I’m not sure a centrist candidate like Biden will be able to survive. He’ll still get plenty of support as a recognizable face from the previous administration, but I’m getting the feeling Biden will eventually get overtaken by a number of other candidates.

So, I don’t love Biden’s chances here at +1000. I’d rather take a stab at added profit potential on candidates with better chances.

Warren & Sanders

Bernie Sanders was ultimately beaten by Hillary Clinton in 2016, but the self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist from Vermont made his presence felt before bowing out. Sanders’ grassroots campaign refused to take money from political action committees (PACs) and his healthcare-for-all campaign promise eventually forced Clinton to move a bit more left, policy-wise.

Betting On Democratic Nominee

A number of candidates have since embraced Sanders’ ideas, which makes him a less unique candidate than he was in 2016. Let’s not forget that Sanders is already 77.

Trump was the oldest president to ever take office at 70 when he did so in January of 2017. Like it or not, age is something voters have to consider. Sanders is vibrant, but the fact that he will be pushing 80 by the time he would take office would be a concern to plenty. This is something Biden would have to contend with, too.

It sounds as though Sanders is willing to give the White House another run in 2020, which will be fascinating. Sanders’ loss to Clinton in 2016 was controversial, but I think he’s going to have a more difficult time separating himself from a more crowded field in the upcoming election.

Bernie will still get plenty of support, but he may lag behind more youthful candidates like Kamala Harris or Beto O’Rourke.

Warren is similar to Sanders in that she’s a progressive that is getting up there in age. She was a popular anti-Trump voice in 2016, but the public opinion on her may have changed since.

Warren made the questionable decision to release the results of a DNA test claiming evidence of her Native American heritage late last year. That move drew a collective eye-roll from the masses, and it’s something she’s going to have to continue to defend moving forward.

Warren definitely has a chance, though, and I like her odds of winning the nomination slightly more than Sanders’. The fact that she’s a woman can’t hurt, either.

Beto Looming

A year ago at this time, not many people were aware of Beto O’Rourke. O’Rourke was a member of the House of Representatives representing El Paso, Texas, before he ultimately decided to challenge incumbent Texas Senator Ted Cruz for his seat this past fall.

O’Rourke gained national fame after running an aggressive campaign all over the state before ultimately falling at the hands of Cruz by a slim margin in November.

O’Rourke’s loss to Cruz wasn’t a total surprise considering the fact that Texas has long been a red state. The demographics are starting to shift, but O’Rourke was ultimately unable to garner enough support. Some believe he will challenge Texas’ other Senator, John Cornyn, when he’s up for reelection in a few years, but could O’Rourke have his eye on a bigger goal?

O’Rourke has drawn plenty of comparisons to Barack Obama for his youthful exuberance and his speech pattern. O’Rourke managed to raise a whopping $60 million for his Senate campaign, but he’s going to have to put forth firm policy ideas if he has serious aspirations of separating himself from the rest of the Democratic field in 2020.

2016 Democratic Nominees

O’Rourke’s voting record during his time of Congress has been the subject of some scrutiny, and whether he’s left-leaning enough to represent the Democratic Party on a national scale remains to be seen. He touted himself as a Texas liberal, but is he liberal enough to galvanize voters from all over the country?

Democratic Nominee Odds

If he runs, O’Rourke will skyrocket toward the list of frontrunners, so I think it would be downright reckless to write off his chances here. He’s the second-favorite right behind Harris from a betting perspective, so I have no problem betting on Beto to eventually earn the Democratic nomination.

Any prospective Democratic candidate is going to have to move a bit to the left if they want to win this nomination. I think Beto is still green enough in the world of politics to where he can be somewhat malleable from a policy perspective. Even someone like Barack Obama eventually came around on issues like same-sex marriage after pressure from within his own party.

Democratic Nominee 2020 Polls


How the 2020 field of presidential nominees shakes out is sure to be fascinating. Some are already prepared to give the White House a run, while a host of others are sure to follow suit. Will some billionaires look to follow in Trump’s footsteps? Oprah, Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg have been linked with runs already.

I don’t think any of the 3 stands much of a chance, but if some of them do wind up running it will be interesting to see how they play with the Democratic base of voters.

Steyer has been airing television ads for the last several years calling for Trump’s impeachment.

Bloomberg was formerly the mayor of New York City, while you know Oprah’s deal by now. Winfrey has rebuffed any ideas regarding a serious run, while Bloomberg and Steyer sound like more serious candidates. Bloomberg stands the best chance to actually win, but I think he would still be a fringe contender at best at +1600.

Could a new candidate show up and throw things for a loop? Absolutely. Few knew who Bernie Sanders was at this time 4 years ago, and now he’s a household name in American politics. We haven’t heard the last of Bernie, of course. I expect him to run, and I think his chief challengers will eventually be Harris, Warren, O’Rourke and Biden.

That core of 5 looks to be leading the way. If you’re betting, I think the smart money is on Kamala Harris at +500. Beto O’Rourke would be the next-most likely candidate at +600, while I like Warren (+800) slightly over Sanders (+1000). I think Biden (+1000) will be the odd-man out, and I would be somewhat shocked if he is the one that eventually earns the nod as nominee.

That said, an awful lot is going to happen between now and the Democratic National Convention in the summer of 2020. The race for the White House is about to heat up, so I’d jump on betting values like Harris and O’Rourke while you can still get them with solid profit potential.

I’ll rank the likely 2020 Democratic presidential nominees as follows:

  1. Kamala Harris +500
  2. Beto O’Rourke +600
  3. Elizabeth Warren +800
  4. Bernie Sanders +1000
  5. Joe Biden +1000

Democratic Nominee Delegate Count

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